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A SPECIAL ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT TO NEW YORK CONSTRUCTION SUBCONTRACTING certi" ed and quali" ed MWLBE construction companies to present themselves to large GCs. In preparation, BDD helps the " rms market themselves, generating a directory with pro" les of MWLBE " rms given to the GCs for future reference. At these forums, the SCA provides " rms with value-added information regarding industry trends; for example, a recent event featured a nationally prominent economist who discussed where the construction industry was going in light of changes in the economy, and what MWLBE subcontractors need to do to ensure they keep their heads above water. “So many more large contractors are competing in the public sector, so in a sense we are the MWLBE watchdogs, standing vigilant about not leaving the certi" ed " rms in the dust when the big guys come out to play,” says Veira. “We are doing what it takes to ensure that MWLBE subcontractors succeed and thrive at the SCA.” AGGRESSIVE GOALS. In this economy, vigilance is key to ensuring that MWLBE subcontractors get their fair share of work, which is why the SCA aims for an average of at least 20% participation on most projects. Dedicated to achieving full compliance, BDD works closely with all parties concerned—SCA Construction Management, general contractors and primes—to ensure that SCA goals are met or exceeded. According to Lloyd C. Mair, Manager of Compliance in BDD, prime contractors have generally been supportive in pushing that goal to ensure maximum participation on all SCA projects. In the " scal year ending June 2009, over 25% of the SCA’s subcontracts went to certi" ed MWLBEs. Even consultant contracts procured via the RFP process, although not subject to a " xed target due to the variable number of " rms availabile to compete depending on the profession, feature MWLBE participation where feasible. Business Development’s Director of Operations, Travis L. Miller, says, “Most of the proposals received include MWBE subconsultants, which always serves to strengthen the proposal’s score.” PROVIDING GUIDANCE, SEEKING FEEDBACK. BDD offers a wideranging, " exible program that allows MWLBE subcontractors to " ourish and grow in the construction industry. The frustrating part for MWLBEs can be " guring out how to do business effectively in the public sector. BDD is proud of the unique opportunities the SCA can offer, and works hard to provide training and insight into how the SCA works. In an effort to ensure that it gives top-notch assistance to MWLBEs, BDD consults regularly with its EEO Advisory Board and solicits feedback from other industry groups and " rms. Similarly, BDD works closely with prime contractors to help them meet or exceed their MWLBE goals. am “The Business Development Program LBEs was designed to help certi" ed MWLBEs A and GCs understand what the SCA velop requires of them so that we can develop a long-term business relationship,” says ce Mair. “We are here to provide advice and guidance that will enable MWLBEs to truly ark make an impact and leave their mark on the construction industry.” ■ the the

Work Smart with the SCA McGraw-Hill Supplement

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Work Smart with the SCA McGraw-Hill Supplement

Work Smart with the SCA McGraw-Hill Supplement - 1
Work Smart with the SCA McGraw-Hill Supplement - 2
Work Smart with the SCA McGraw-Hill Supplement - 3
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