USGB 2010 - 10

CHAPTER COMMITTEES Emerging Green Builders - Los Angeles, a committee of the USGBC Los Angeles Chapter mission is to provide emerging green builders, primarily students and young professionals, a network from which to gain knowledge and become involved in the green building community, established by the USGBC-LA. We act as a bridge spanning the transition from ones education to ones career by connecting members to resources, jobs, strategies, technologies, and cutting edge designs in the sustainable built environment. The Events Committee’s role is to provide USGBC-LA Chapter membership and the overall building community with a variety of educational, social, and networking events including the annual Green Gala, the annual Municipal Green Building Conference and Expo, and the LEED Users Group meetings. Educational events are informative and relevant to the understanding of the LEED rating system and sustainable design. Social and networking events build momentum in the green building community and bolster USGBC membership in the LA region. The Los Angeles LEED For Existing Buildings Committee recognizes that ninety-nine percent of the nation’s building stock is made up of structures that are already built or near completion. The Los Angeles LEED for Existing Buildings Committee was created to increase green building (operational) awareness and LEED for Existing Buildings penetration within the commercial real estate sector, particularly among owners of existing buildings, through focus group meetings, research and educational outreach programs designed help the community understand the significant life-cycle cost benefits of green operations and maintenance. We want to transform the way buildings are managed and operated in order to reduce their: (1) energy and water consumption, (2) waste generation, (3) carbon footprint, (4) and operating expenses while also increasing the building value and creating healthier and more productive spaces for its building occupants. The LEED for Existing Building Committee embraces all green building programs with the interest of providing a unified voice for promoting sustainable building operational practices. Green Homes Committee was created to advocate green homes programs and green residential building practices in the Los Angeles area. The committee is dedicated to local outreach, education, communication, contractor coordination, and government policy and advocacy. The Government Affairs and Advocacy Committee serves as a liaison between USGBC and local municipalities, as well as with the regional agencies, the State of California and the Federal government. The committee’s core mission is to assist local municipalities, county governments, and other agencies in the development of sustainable strategies and green building policies and programs, as well as to serve as a green building resource and outreach conduit, ultimately resulting in changes to public policy, practices, and building codes. Our mission further reaches to advocating for similar policies and programs statewide, particularly those with direct local impact, as well as collaborating with other policy oriented organizations in meeting these goals. The Membership Committee’s role is to increase the Los Angeles Chapter’s Membership and relationships with the local community (both public and private). The Committee also provides and manages the general services for the members of the LA Chapter and protects their member benefits. Long Beach Branch The Los Angeles Chapter has begun the process of establishing Branches as points of action in this large county of Los Angeles. Since the USGBC system is no longer accepting new Chapter formation, our goals for reaching out to more of our constituents will be reached by establishing new Branches in those communities of Los Angeles County that have shown the commitment and long-term interest in green building practices and in USGBC-LA’s mission. We are proud to start out our chapter growth with the Long Beach Branch. 2010 Membership Directory Green Pages

USGB 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of USGB 2010

USGB 2010 - C1
USGB 2010 - C2
USGB 2010 - 1
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