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• Graduated 32 leaders in aging services in the fourth year of the increasingly successful Leadership AAHSA program. ·• expanded networking and educational opportunities for boards of directors and trustees in our conference programs, audio seminar series, online resources and new governance listserv, reaching over 900 trustees. • Collaborated with our business partners to share their expertise in a series of online white papers on timely topics, including financial decision-making, caregiving and marketing in tough economic times. • Published the sixth edition profile of the largest not-for-profit providers, documenting our members’ significant leadership role in the growth and change in the agingservices field.
Shared Knowledge through Policy Analysis and Research Findings

• Published “Who Decides?,” a report from AAHSA’s Future Needs of Consumers Cabinet on consumers’ needs and expectations along with a corresponding research digest and PowerPoint presentation. • Published more than two dozen reports and articles on trends and data about our field on topics ranging from nursing home administrator tenure and education levels, prevalence of electronic information systems in nursing homes, core competencies for professionals in long-term care, policy’s role in developing the long-term care workforce and expanding affordable housing and services. • reached a wide range of audiences including researchers, the aging network, academics and technology companies through formal presentations.
Policy Development

Applied Research

• received funding from a number of foundations and government agencies, including the tsao Foundation in Singapore, Scan Foundation and Agency for Healthcare research and Quality (AHrQ) to conduct research and evaluation in workforce, housing with services and quality. • Leveraged CASt and iFAS collaboration on research initiatives and jointly obtained AHrQ funding to evaluate the impact of telemonitoring of hypertension in nutrition centers serving seniors.

• Acknowledged leaders among the AAHSA-member organizations through the AAHSA awards program. • Sponsored awards for the American Hospital Association to recognize exemplary programs in palliative care, the National Association of Health Care Assistants to recognize the talents and contributions of direct-care workers and for Generations United to recognize exemplary intergenerational programs.

• issued a report, commissioned by the AAHSA talent Cabinet, advocating for national core competencies for the longterm care professional workforce.

• Served as a founding member of the eldercare Workforce Alliance, funded by major foundations, focused on advancing policy to strengthen the long-term care workforce. • Advanced U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services collaboration in creating a major national demonstration of housing with supportive services.




AAHSA's 2009 Annual Report

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AAHSA's 2009 Annual Report

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