Full-Depth Reclamation - 6

With failed asphalt and a base damaged from groundwater, Antrim Road was a good candidate for full-depth reclamation with cement. Doing Good for the Environment Means Doing Good for the Bottom Line M 6 uch of the recognition for upgrading infrastructure in a sustainable and environmentally responsible fashion usually goes to larger cities. However, the success of innovative road rebuilding techniques in the town of Hancock, N.H. - population 1,823 - demonstrates that even the smallest of towns can save time, money and resources while minimizing their impact on the environment. With an elevation change of almost 400 feet from the lowest point to highest point within the town's road system and harsh New England winters wreaking havoc on roadways, Director of Public Works Kurtis J. Grassett knows all too well the challenges of keeping these roads safe and in good repair while working within limited resources. Antrim Road, in particular, posed a problem. A 2,000-foot section of the road has seen three 100-year floods in a three-year time frame - 2005, 2006 Special advertising supplement to the McGraw-Hill Construction Regional Publications

Full-Depth Reclamation

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Full-Depth Reclamation

Full-Depth Reclamation - 1
Full-Depth Reclamation - 2
Full-Depth Reclamation - 3
Full-Depth Reclamation - 4
Full-Depth Reclamation - 5
Full-Depth Reclamation - 6
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Full-Depth Reclamation - 9
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